Christian Mattheyer

+49 (69) 798 42542
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Curriculum vitae: 
scince  2013

PhD student, Biology
Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Developmental biology of Arabidopsis thaliana


Diploma, Biology
Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life SciencesJohann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

“Über die Erzeugung von Transparenz in biologischen Proben und das Einbetten transparenter, mikroskopischer Proben in das monolithic Digital Scanned laser Light-sheet fluorescence Microscope (mDSLM)
Dynamische Visualisierung von Tie2 während der postnatalen Vaskularisation in der Mausretina”


Study of Biology
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)


Long-term imaging of Arabidopsis thaliana

Plant imaging at the cellular level with high spatial and temporal resolution requires non-invasive and viable imaging methods. We suggest and apply Light Sheet-based Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) to study the dynamics of plant growth at organ, cellular and sub-cellular levels over periods of time, ranging from seconds to days.  Therefore, I resort to the work of Daniel von Wangenheim which enables long-term imaging of A. thaliana in close to physiological growth conditions in a LSFM (Maizel & von Wangenheim 2011).

I am particullary interested in strigolactones, which link nutrient driven morphogenesis and symbiotic interactions in plants. This is done in a collaboration with B. Borghi and E. Martinoia at the UZH, Switzerland.

Clearing and visualization of cleared specimen

Clearing induces transparency in fixed biological specimen. The low light scatter properties of cleared specimen provide sharp signals deep inside tissues. For visualization of cleared specimen we suggest Light Sheet based Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM). In contrast to confocal microscopy LSFM provides a fast acquisition of large volume recordings. Low energies prevent the bleaching of fluorescent markers and proteins. Clearing has been mainly used to visualize whole organs with low magnification lenses to observe the distribution of labeled proteins within biological samples in toto. But light scattering limits one photon light microscopy to a range of 100-150 µm inside tissues. Hence, clearing supports the visualization of 3D objects even in the range of a few hundred micrometers. Therefore, we apply different clearing and microscope mounting procedures in our lab for specimen ranging from mouse embryos to cellular spheroids. Imaging of cleared specimen accompanies with the reconstruction and visualization of very large data sets. Additionally we can ensure semi-high throughput data acquistion for cleared specimen up to a size of 2 x 2 x 2 mm³, which enables us to generate statistically robust data out of three-dimensional cell culture specimens. Data analysis is done by Sabine Fischer and Alexander Schmitz.